
Boar portrait

pencil, paper, 43x53 cm. 2013

My picture was selected to David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year 2018 exhibition. All the amazing artworks can be seen at Mall Galleries between 2nd-6th May. They are for sale and 50% of all sales supports the work of DSWF to protect endangered species.

The Art Jury of Cultural Association of Hunting classified the picture as ‘Hunting cultural value’ in 2015.
Serial number: 2015/09-19

Hunting Cultural Value’ | Serial number: 2015/09-1. This artwork was classified as ‘Hunting Cultural Value’ by the Art Jury of Cultural Association of Hunting in 2015.

Loess (pitt, paper, 57x72 cm. 2018)Attack (pitt, paper, 70x50 cm. 2017)