Have us design a professional logo and corporate identity


A fine image catches attention and identifies unmistakably. Proper design inspires confidence at first glance, and if the ‘spark’ comes to life, it is of invaluable significance. We offer fine design and unique corporate identity, through which your company takes a visual form, gains an individual face, and becomes a brand. Logo and corporate image design, brand building – this is what we do, this is our way. 

Our mission is to design publications of high standard


Would you like a company introduction publication? Would you like an exciting brochure of high standard about your products? Have you just finished writing the book of your life and would like to see it in a beautiful design on the shelves of bookstores? We have good news – we have extensive experience in designing a wide variety of publications (books, magazines, company presentations), and on top of that we are infatuated with our work.

The packaging design sells your product


The importance of packaging design cannot be overemphasized. It is not enough to have an excellent product; you also need to be able to sell it. Competition on store shelves and online is tremendous. In this mass, your product should be different from the others; it must be characteristic, it must convince the customer. It is a fine task; we accept the challenge.

Sándor Róbert


Sakál Design offers unique and creative solutions in all fields of graphic design including logos, creation of visual identity, publications with exciting solutions as well as marketable packaging. Our quality assurance is based on our well-established and inspired knowledge in fine hand drawing that secures the high quality of illustrations, storyboards and caricatures designed by us.